Archive loggers if you don’t want them to appear on your data lists and dashboard reports. This feature is relevant for loggers not currently in use, from which data has already been collected and analyzed.
Note that the data associated with a logger will not be deleted and can still be accessed. Archiving loggers is not the same as deactivating loggers — it won't affect your subscription. Check the details on how to deactivate loggers.
Archive a logger
- Go to the Loggers page (Loggers button on the left navigation panel in your Logmore Cloud).
- Select the logger you want to archive.
- In the Logger information box, click Archive now.
- You can click Unarchive now to have this logger reappear on your list of loggers.
Find archived loggers by applying a filter
- From the Loggers page, select Add filters.
- Select data column should be Archived. Choose “is” and “Yes” from drop-down lists.
- Click Apply changes. You will see only archived loggers in the table.
- Save this filter set to access archived loggers quickly. For that, apply filters, click Save filter set, name this filter set, and save it.
- Now you can access this set of archived loggers by applying the saved Filter set.