Within the Teams section under Settings, you can give Read or Read & Write accesses of loggers and missions to a team you belong to.
- Open the menu by clicking Edit Permissions.
Choose permission target: whether you want to edit logger or mission accesses.
Choose permission type: read only or read & editing.
Add loggers/missions by selecting/searching new ones.
Remove loggers/missions by clicking the red cross icon.
NOTICE: Removing loggers is only possible if the logger also belongs to another team. Removing logger access from all teams is not possible. If the intention is to change access from one team to another, add the access first to the new team and then remove access from the old team.
When you are done, don't forget to click Save! All the changes you have made will be saved.
Default team for missions
If a user belongs to multiple teams, they can select a default team for your missions. You can do this by clicking on Account within the Settings tab.