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5.3.2021 — Various UX improvements
Mission alerts status on the individual mission page
- When all alerts have been checked from a mission, it used to say “No alerts” at the top.
- Now it says “All alerts checked”. This is consistent with the alerts status column on the missions list view
Confirmation is required to end the mission
- When you press “End mission” on the individual mission page, it now asks for confirmation (“Are you sure?“)
Adjustments to missions/loggers list view
- Initial column widths (on page load) are based on content width, and columns don’t have a set min-width (allows for better resizing of columns)
- Long cells like name, note, and scan location have a tooltip to show the full text on the hover
- New column type available for missions list: No. loggers (number of loggers)
- Filters for “Archived” and “On a mission” columns now read “Archived --> is --> Yes/No” instead of “Archived --> is --> true/false”
Performance improvements all around
- We have improved code efficiency and scaled up capacity on many fronts.
- One visible improvement is in Settings --> Teams ---> Edit permissions. It loads everything much faster than before.
- “Alert limits” heading on mission page changed to “Alert rules”