Logmore Cloud platform supports webhooks as an additional integration method to ensure up-to-date data. Webhooks are sent immediately after a successful scan of a Logmore data logger device.
New scan occured
➡ Send HTTP POST to url
Webhook content
Webhook contains information such as data logger id and serial, scan event timestamp, and id. The full payload of a webhook is shown below. Furthermore, when needed, the webhook HTTP headers can be customized to fit a multitude of different authorization methods.
"logger_id": "610d0c08f35b5b1ee7d222f8",
"logger_serial": 323809,
"scan_event_id": "630cb383e664356f138bd4a2",
"scan_event_time": "2021-11-12T16:46:48Z"
Use case example
The most common use case for outgoing webhooks is data synchronization to an external system:
1 - Data Logger is scanned
2 - New data is saved to Logmore platform
3 - Webhook is sent to 3rd party system triggering data sync workflow
4 - 3rd party system downloads the new data from Logmore API for the given data logger
Limitations and considerations
Coordinates and geolocation data for a given scan event can be delayed multiple seconds or be missing altogether for a successful scan of a Logmore data logger. This is due to scanning mobile devices and the time it takes for an end user to allow the use of positioning data. If geolocation is crucial for your use case, Logmore advises implementing a multi-second delay between digesting a webhook and synchronizing data from Logmore API.
Great! How to get started?
Webhooks are not publicly available at our API or UI – they must be activated by Logmore customer support. Please contact support@logmore.com and provide the following details: API URL for webhook delivery & authentication headers if needed.